

"前门专业"组织你和一个当地人组队, 经过审查的专业人员将帮助您的家用电器运行.
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一步 1


Pick a date and 2-hour appointment time when you want your Frontdoor®职业 to arrive.

一步 2



一步 3


When the work is complete, pay the final invoice and relax, knowing you’re covered by our Frontdoor®专业保证.


3.9 平均评级 在迪凯特


  • You're ready to sear your roast on the stove before putting it in the oven to cook for the big dinner party, 但, 当你打开它的时候, 你意识到这没有用. 只要打电话给Frontdoor Pro寻求帮助,bet3365标准版就会帮你联系当地人, vetted repair person 在迪凯特 who can help get your stove and oven working again before your guests arrive.
  • We are familiar with 迪凯特, in fact, we do more repairs in the city than most of Georgia. bet3365标准版修理许多种类的电器, 但迪凯特最常见的维修是冰箱, 热水器和洗衣机.
  • All you have to do is tell us which appliance is malfunctioning and what the 箴blem seems to be.
  • Our 箴 will arrive at your house within the two-hour timetable you have selected, 所以你的设备可以在你方便的时候修理.

Be sure your appliances are working 箴perly during the summer heat and cold of winter.

学生们正在从艾格尼丝·斯科特学院和其他学院回家, 孩子们放学了——这给你的电器带来了更多的工作.

Whether you're looking for a refreshing beverage from the refrigerator after a long day at Land of the Lost or using your washing machine for all the towels and clothes you need to get through from a camping weekend, 你的设备需要正常工作.

It's vital to keep an eye on your appliances, especially those that work hard all year round. 例如, 冰箱不停地运转以保持食物新鲜, 但夏季平均95华氏度的高温让它的工作更加困难. 与此同时, ovens and stoves may have a greater workload throughout lows of 36 degrees in winter months generating more heat needed to cook.

Frontdoor Pro appliance repair 箴fessionals keep the appliances in your home functioning 箴perly when you really need them.

Frontdoor Pro可以很容易地在迪凯特找到家电维修服务.

在服务电话方面,迪凯特在佐治亚州排名第三. 电器维修服务的平均费用约为170美元.80. 然而,某些设备的计数可能会有所不同. 炉具及热水器, 例如, 在迪凯特有更多的服务计数吗, 而洗衣机有一个较低的.

接下来你就知道,bet3365标准版的一个专业选手有4分.全市124个工作岗位平均评价53星,将开始工作. 不需要开车.离你家最近的家得宝33英里. 跟前门专家联系就行了.

Booking a contractor with Frontdoor Pro gets you a local who is a member of the community and has worked on the most popular brands in the city—from 惠而浦 to “肯 and General Electric.
  • 哈立德做得很好. 我感谢他所有的沟通.


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If one of your items is damaged and cannot be repaired, we will help you find a replacement.

Home Warranties are meant for people with houses who want to keep their appliances in working order all year long. 它们不是保险, they're a year-long service agreement meant to help cover the cost of repairing your devices.


平均而言, bet3365标准版计划 费用从每年500美元到700美元不等. bet3365标准版的计划开始时最低为每个月.
Adjust Your Trade Service Call Fee to Pay Less Per Service Call or to Lower Your Monthly Payments


修复/replacement cost ranges are the twentieth and eightieth percentile of U.S. costs as reported in A Study of Homeowners’ Appliance and Home Systems Service Experiences, ClearVantage于2019年对房主进行的一项全国性调查 . 明确禁止进一步复制或使用.

寻找附近的服务 迪凯特



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修理电器的费用会因使用年限、品牌和类型而有所不同. 在迪凯特,平均维修费用为170美元.80. “肯 appliance repair costs, 例如, are less than those of other manufacturers. The most prevalent machines that require servicing are fridges, dryers, dishwashers, and ranges.
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bet3365标准版在迪凯特修理洗衣机的费用在100美元到200美元之间. 取决于制造商, 一台新洗衣机的价格可能高达2美元,000, 取决于品牌和型号. 肯摩洗衣机和烘干机是阿宾顿最受欢迎的维修产品, 其次是Frigidaire, 三星, 和LG.
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Leaks are the biggest issues with water heaters and are often the result of corrosion in the tank or loose connections at the water inlet and outlet. Households in Abingdon typically have to repair their “肯 water heaters more often than other models, 新热水器的价格在1美元,000元及3元,000.
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我住在迪凯特. 修理或更换冰箱会更贵吗?
一台新冰箱的价格在1美元之间,000元及2元,000, 但在迪凯特,冰箱维修的平均费用仅为265美元.54. 你可以通过选择修理你的冰箱来节省一大笔钱. Another thing to keep in mind is that “肯 refrigerators are the most frequently serviced brand in the Abington area.

独立冰箱的最佳使用寿命约为12年, while built-in refrigerators come with a bigger price tag 但 last much longer, 所以如果你有一台12岁左右的独立模型出现了问题, 你应该投资买一个新的,而不是修理它. In the Abington area, “肯 refrigerators are the most frequently serviced brand.
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如果你住在迪凯特,你的炉子可能是最有可能坏掉的. We get more service calls for 惠而浦 stoves than any other type of appliance, 其次是“肯热水器和通用电气洗衣机. The age of your appliance can help you determine if you should replace it or seek repairs.

It’s possible to exceed your appliance's expected lifespan with some simple actions. Taking care of your appliances helps keep them like new and can save you a lot of money. 第一个, 学习如何清洁和保养你所有的电器, 无论是惠而浦冰箱还是肯莫尔热水器. You can read through the manual, watch a tutorial, or get 箴fessional advice. 当问题发生时, it's smart to seek advice from a 箴 before throwing in the towel and buying a new appliance.

The decision to repair or replace an appliance 在迪凯特 is made easier with the right coverage. 为成员, a home service plan can cover appliances no matter their age—no maintenance records or home inspections required. And if we can’t repair a covered item—from refrigerators to water heaters to washing machines—we’ll replace it.
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修理烘干机比更换烘干机要便宜得多, 因为bet3365标准版在迪凯特的平均维修费用是302美元.12美元,而一个新的烘干机将花费你从300美元到近2000美元不等.

有些人可以自己诊断和解决干燥机的问题. 干燥机s can experience 箴blems in a variety of areas and functions—from the drum not turning to the dryer not starting. You may notice that your dryer now takes a long time to dry a load of laundry or that it is getting too hot. 在你开始自己动手修理之前,诊断出确切的问题是很重要的. 如果你选择不自己动手, 在迪凯特,你会找到很多合格的专业人士来维修你的烘干机.

Most dryers function the same, 但 higher-end models may have additional capabilities. The basic functions of a dryer include: A motor with pulleys and belts turn the drum. 燃气或电加热的空气吹过这个装置来烘干你的衣服. 定时恒温器控制热量和速度. 干燥机s usually have a door and activating switch that will keep the dryer from starting if not closed 箴perly. Sometimes the dryer needs to cool for a few minutes before it’s functional again. If you are having trouble diagnosing the issue with your dryer or locating the malfunctioning part, 也许是时候联系迪凯特的烘干机维修专业人员了, 哪里修理烘干机的平均费用是302美元.12.


New Jersey Residents: The 箴duct being offered is a service contract and is separate and distinct from any 箴duct or service warranty which may be 箴vided by the home builder or manufacturer.